CycleSimplex Models
CycleSimplex has been making trike and bike racks for over 20 years. We make trike racks, two trike racks, trike plus a bike racks and tandem bike racks. We make a lighter and less expensive rack than our competitors without skimping on quality. During that 20 years we have become very good at what we do. Our trike, trike/bike racks and tandem racks are designed for the rigorous requirements of the heavier e- trikes and e-bikes.
Our models are split into Simple Load Racks and Non-Simple Load Racks. The Simple Load Racks are set up so you only have to pick up one end of the trike or bike at a time to set it on the rack and then you pick up the other end of the trike or bike and roll it across the rack. This is one of the Simple Load features. The other Simple Load feature is the optional ramps. If you are not able to pick up any of the trike or bike, the ramps allow you to roll the trike or bike onto the rack without picking it up.
The Non-Simple trike or bike racks require that you pick up the trike or bike and set it on the rack.
All of our racks can handle e-bikes and e-trike as well as non-e-bikes and non-e-bikes.